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FAQ and Help on specific configurations

VPS technology

Wikipedia, as always, has a great introduction to VPS technology. If you are interested in information about specific virtualization software (such as OpenVZ, XEn etc.) see the Comparison of virtual machines article.

When you have selected a VPS plan and configured a server it is time to set up your web application framework. Here is more information on how to proceed.

Securing your server

  • For many Linux distributions you can use iptables for firewall configuration. See the Sitepoint article Secure your Server with iptables.

  • If you are running OpenSuse a simple firewall setup can be done in the Yast control panel. For more details see SuSEfirewall2.

Web frameworks


Ruby on Rails


Drupal can be deployed on many platforms, both Linux and Windows. See the official list of requirements.

  • A small Drupal site may not need the full resources of a VPS, but may work a lot better under load. This discussion mentions that a 64 Mb VPS won't cut it so you should start with a minimum of 128 Mb RAM. See all VPS plans with 128 Mb RAM here.
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